Complex Weavers Welcomes You!


When you join Complex Weavers, you join a group of weavers dedicated to expanding the boundaries of their handweaving, and that encourages members to develop their own creative style, inspiring others through research, documentation, and innovative ideas. We challenge our skills and imagination by sharing information and innovations with our fellow weavers – both directly and through our study groups, Seminars, and Journal. For  a downloadable brochure which  includes a Membership form , choose one of these links:  US Letter format or A4 format.

Joining Complex Weavers gives you access to our many resources:

The Complex Weavers Journal, published three times a year, allows members to share their ideas and studies.  And, once you’ve perused the latest issue of the Journal, you can visit the Galleries to view the large full color versions of selected photos from the Journal as well as access to machine readable versions of many of the drafts, generously provided by our member-authors.  These drafts are available as .wif files, which are readily handled by all of the most popular weaving programs.

This website, with its online community of weavers, all of whom are as passionate about the art and craft of weaving as you are!

Study groups and Sample Exchanges are an ongoing and vital part of Complex Weavers. Self organized and financed, they produce samples, newsletters or other materials for exchange among members. New groups are formed as demand arises. See our Study Group List for a listing of all study groups, a description of each, and a link to a page with a fuller description.

The Library has an extensive collection of books, manuscripts, and samples which members may borrow by mail. The complete list of library contents is available at Library Thing.

Complex Weavers Seminars is a three-day conference held in even numbered years that further encourages exchange of information and formation of many friendships. Six seminar sessions offer a wide array of options for learning new techniques, and the chance to meet others passionate about weaving!

Regional Meetings are held throughout the world through the efforts of the Regional Representatives, bringing together Complex Weavers who live in the same general area.

Discount to Weavers Handshake, our online learning platform.

Joining Complex Weavers also gives you access to a group of members that shares your values: people who find weaving exciting, challenging, and complex, and who want to develop their weaving skills. We foster education in weaving – helping our members develop a deeper understanding of weave structures, fabric design, historical techniques, and methods/tools for creating woven fabric. You can read more about our incredibly diverse interests here. We also help members connect with other members around the world who share their interests and love of weaving – fostering stimulating discussion, sharing of techniques, and mutual exploration (not to mention support in times of frustration!).

To join Complex Weavers, just fill out one of our two membership forms – an online registration via Paypal or a paper registration form for checks and credit cards – and send in your dues. And it is not expensive – within the USA the dues are $35 per year. In Canada or Mexico the dues are $40 per year (to help cover increased mailing costs for the Journal). Outside North America the dues are $45 per year. (Payment must be by PayPal, by credit card, or in US funds drawn on a US bank.)

Guilds are also welcome to join Complex Weavers! Guilds will receive the Membership Directory, the Journal, and the Newsletter, but only individual members have library access privileges.
