Greatest Hits
We are delighted to announce that Complex Weavers’ Greatest Hits is back in print!
This book, a compilation of CW members’ favourite drafts, was published in 2000 in honor of the 21st birthday of Complex Weavers. It includes drafts from 2 to ? shafts, drafts for drawlooms, kumihimo, tablet weaving, and passementerie. Each draft includes threading or block profile, tieup, treadling or peg plan (both when possible), and a drawdown if applicable. Suggested uses for the draft are included. The author of each design is given.
The book also includes a CD with all the drafts in .wif format.
It is now available for $34.95 plus shipping from the Complex Weavers Marketplace. (For international shipping estimates contact Amy Norris, Merchandise Chair before ordering)